Board of Directors:

President EurGeol Eoin Wyse PGeo
Vice-President EurGeol Dr Siobhán Power PGeo
Secretary  Emer Blackwell PGeo
Treasurer    EurGeol Dr Yvonne O’Connell PGeo
Non-executive Members

EurGeol Pόl Ó Seasnáin PGeo
EurGeol Maeve McElligott PGeo
John Dillon PGeo
EurGeol Dr Kieran Craven PGeo
EurGeol Tara Leacy-Smith PGeo
Dr Robert Raine PGeo

Observers EurGeol Hartmut Krahn PGeo (GAI)
EurGeol Gerry Stanley PGeo (IAEG)
– to be filled – (IAH)
– to be filled – (IEI – Geotech)
Dr. Piers Gardiner PGeo (IMQS)

Standing Committee Membership

Ballot Committee

Must be set up at least six weeks before AGM if more than one nomination received for any Board position open for election.
Must consist of three Professional Members.

Ethics Committee

Must consist of at least three Professional Members.
No members of the committee may be serving Directors.
No members of the committee may serve at the same time on the Disciplinary Committee.

EurGeol. Sean Moran PGeo (Chair)
Mags Keegan PGeo
EurGeol. Mark Holdstock PGeo
CPD Audit Committee
EurGeol Paul McDermott PGeo
EurGeol Eoin Wyse PGeo
EurGeol Dr. Yvonne O’Connell PGeo
EurGeol Suzanne Tynan PGeo
EurGeol Orla O’Connell PGeo
Disciplinary Committee

Must consist of at least three Professional Members.
No members of the committee may be serving Directors.
No members of the committee may serve at the same time on the Ethics Committee.

Chair: EurGeol. Nick O’Neill PGeo
EurGeol. Dr. Deirdre Lewis PGeo
EurGeol. Teri Hayes PGeo
Nominating Committee

Must be appointed at least three months before the AGM.
Must consist of immediate Past President (President initially) plus two Professional Members who are not members of the Board.

Professional Development Committee
Validation Committee

Must consist of at least three Professional Members.
Only the Chair may be a serving Director.
Other professional members may be requested to serve by the Chairman.

EurGeol Morgan Burke PGeo
EurGeol Cecil Shine PGeo
EurGeol Dr. John Kelly PGeo
Sean Finlay PGeo
EurGeol Dr. Deirdre Lewis PGeo
EurGeol Dave Blaney PGeo

Representatives on Other Bodies:

IGI Representative – European Federation of Geologists EurGeol Eoin Wyse PGeo
PERC Committee EurGeol. Dr. Ed Sides PGeo
Mr. Job Langbroek PGeo
EurGeol Ian Farrelly PGeo
EurGeol Emma Brosnan PGeo
EFG Disciplinary Committee EurGeol Dr. John Kelly PGeo

IGI Members involved in EFG Expert Panels:

Education Expert Panel EurGeol Eamonn Grennan PGeo
Geothermal Expert Panel EurGeol Gareth Ll. Jones PGeo
Geothermal Expert Panel EurGeol Riccardo Pasquali PGeo
Geothermal Expert Panel EurGeol Nick O’Neill PGeo
Geotechnics Expert Panel EurGeol Marie Fleming PGeo
Hydrogeology Expert Panel Kevin Cullen RET
Minerals Expert Panel EurGeol John Clifford PGeo
Minerals Expert Panel EurGeol Christian Schaffalitzky PGeo

Executive Secretary:

  • Denise Cunningham

Sponsoring Bodies:

  • Geophysical Association of Ireland
  • Geotechnical Section of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland
  • Irish Association for Economic Geology
  • International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group)
  • Irish Mining and Quarrying Society


  • Kieran Ryan Associates


  • Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin

Registered Office:

  • 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2