IGI Mutual Recognition Agreements and related Bodies
Mutual recognition agreements
The IGI has Mutual Recognition Agreements with the following bodies, allowing PGeos to be professionally recognised internationally.
Australia: Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Canada: Geoscientists Canada
South Africa: Southern Africa Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Geological Society of South Africa
United Kingdom: The Geological Society
United States of America: American Institute of Professional Geologists
European Federation of Geologists
The European Federation of Geologists is the representative body for the geological profession in Europe with 21 national association members. IGI as an EFG Licensed Body handles EurGeol applications in Ireland.
Irish Geoscience Network
The Irish Geoscience Network is an umbrella body bringing together Irish geoscience-related organisations. Administrated by the IGI, the Irish Geoscience Network meets annually to discuss synergies between organisations and cross-cutting issues (outreach, public perception, research collaborations, policy issues etc).
If you are involved in the administration of a geoscience-related organisation and would like to be part of the Irish Geoscience Network, please email info@igi.ie to be added to the IGN mailing list.